Saturday, April 11, 2020


how often to wash our hair during quarantine:

We wash our hair for various reasons: pollution, daily sweat, accumulation of grease, humidity, static electricity ... Although during confinement it is true that we expose our hair to fewer external agents that mistreat it, there are other factors for which we should bet on a full-blown hair detox.

Hair hygiene varies from head to head depending on the type of hair we have. Dry hair does not need the same care as oily hair as normal hair. In addition, when taking care of our hair we should also take into account if we are athletes or if we wear it dyed.

Today we want to share with you the key questions about hair detox when it is less exposed to external agents that mistreat it.

Should we wash our hair as often now that we are not leaving the house?

This is simply the question that we should all ask ourselves. However, there is no single answer, precisely because each of us has different hair, with different characteristics, as we mentioned at the beginning.

It is essential to be clear that, although the number of external agents that mistreat our hair is reduced now that we are more at home, the internal factors (caused by ourselves) that affect their health remain intact.

What are the internal factors that affect the health of our hair?

  • Stress. Confinement as a consequence of the state of alarm generates logical stress because we do not know what the future holds for us. Not being able to leave home, also, gives us the feeling of living in a prison without being, which can increase anxiety levels.
  • Poor diet. With or without quarantine we must take care of our diet. However, being at home all day and so close to the fridge can be a factor in neglecting our diet.
  • Hair products. It seems incredible, but there are hair products that damage our hair. Especially if they contain silicones and sulfates.

At this point we want to focus for a moment on the chemical components of many hair products: silicones and sulfates.
What are silicones?

Silicones are polymers that create a surface layer on our hair. Silicones offer a smooth appearance to our hair, but not by appearing silky a hair is healthy.

From the Freshly Cosmetics blog they remind us that one of the main problems with silicones is that they "prevent hair from breathing, hindering the natural regeneration of cells." In addition, silicones prevent water or other moisturizing elements from penetrating the hair.

How can I know if I need a hair detox?

Your own hair will respond to you. The main warning signs that your hair leather may need a rest (or what is the same, a hair detox) are:

1) It is dry or dehydrated.
2) It is caked.
3) Lacks natural shine.
4) It breaks easily.
5) You have split ends.
6) You have an itchy scalp.
7) You do not absorb the treatments as it did before.

1 comment:

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