Tuesday, April 21, 2020

15 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat

15 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat

There are the most interesting diets and nutritional concepts that are said to work wonders. Lose 10 kilos in just one month - sounds good! But it is not that simple (unfortunately). Because that has little to do with healthy weight loss. And the success will not last long.

Look forward to numerous tips and tricks on how you can achieve your feel-good weight and then keep it long-term.

Fact 1: Losing weight is possible if you feed the body with less energy than you consume. The difference in the energy required must then be obtained from body reserves - ideally from the adipose tissue.

Fact 2: Belly fat is considered the risk factor for various diseases of the cardiovascular system. More exercise in addition to reduced food intake breaks down this dangerous fat deposit.

Fact 3: Muscle mass built up by strength training increases the body's basic metabolism, since it uses more energy at rest than fat. By building muscle mass in the gym, the energy difference is increased while food intake is reduced and weight loss is accelerated.

Fact 4: Food cravings can be prevented. Dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates and proteins at meal times fill you up for a long time. Dietary fiber also keeps blood sugar levels low and reduces the risk of sudden cravings.

Fact 5: Eating slowly helps you eat less. The body takes about ten minutes to eat before it sends out a satiety signal.

Fact 6: Drinking water helps you lose weight. We often confuse thirst with hunger. Drinking water before meals automatically reduces food intake. In addition, only adequately hydrated cells can break down fat well. The calories in juices and lemonades are mostly underestimated!

Fact 7: Insufficient sleep can hinder weight loss and can even promote obesity. The same thing can also happen if you sleep too much. Studies have shown that an optimal sleep duration is between 7 and 8 hours.

Fact 8: Prohibitions only lead to frustration when you reach your comfort weight. When planning to lose weight, however, such bans are often imposed. But this is the biggest diet lie and frustration is inevitable when you fail to comply. It is better to treat yourself to chocolate and other sweets in small portions as a reward and to treat them as something special.

Fact 9: Losing weight quickly does not necessarily damage your health. It is not the speed that matters, but the way in which you lose weight. Only zero diets or one-sided nutrition are dangerous.

Fact 10: Food supplements can also be used if they are taken as a supplement to food and not as a replacement!

Fact 11: It is usually easier for men to eat less and to cope with food cravings. You can better displace and hide the thought of food. Women, on the other hand, often think of their favorite foods and the current waiver when losing weight.

Fact 12: Interval training effectively helps you lose weight. Many studies have shown that this form of training has a very positive effect on fat burning and burns a lot of calories.

Fact 13: The widespread opinion that you shouldn't eat after 6:00 p.m., otherwise you will gain weight, is a myth. The time doesn't change whether the body stores excess calories as fat.

Fact 14: Cardio training can improve the reduction of body fat. Even if training the cardiovascular system burns fewer calories than interval training, the fat metabolism is well trained. As a result, body fat can be reduced more effectively during subsequent interval training.

Fact 15: The success of a diet can only be maintained by changing the diet. Reducing the amount of food can lead to the well-known yo-yo effect after a diet. Because the body tries to rebuild the lost reserves. This can only be counteracted by a healthy diet.


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