Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Coronavirus in the elderly

Coronavirus in the elderly

This new infection particularly influences the older or individuals with past ceaseless illnesses

Covid-19 is a new virus that appeared at the end of 2019, in December, in the town of Wuhan (China). Since then, its progress has been rapid, affecting more than 100 countries today. The WHO has declared this disease as a pandemic.
This new virus still lacks things to know, such as effective treatment, but what is certain is that it especially affects older people or those with previous chronic diseases.

Coronavirus symptoms
Some people develop the disease with hardly any symptoms or with very mild symptoms. Furthermore, about 80% pass the disease without special treatment. However, in older people the problems are complicated.

The most common symptoms are:

High fever (38ยบ or more).
Dry cough.
Difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
Some people also have diarrhea or abdominal pain. Only in the most severe cases the infection can cause pneumonia, kidney failure or even death. The most serious cases usually occur mainly in risk groups such as the elderly. Currently, between 80 and 90% of deaths that occur are from people over 70 years old. Therefore, this group must exercise extreme caution.

How should the elderly protect themselves?

The main route of transmission of Covid-19 is through the droplets that the infected person expels when sneezing or coughing. These droplets can reach distances of up to almost a meter and deposit on any surface or person that by touching the infected object or area is contagious.

For this reason, the main recommendations that older people should take into account are:

Wash your hands with soap and water frequently. Make sure that the entire surface has been disinfected: fingers, palm, nails, back and sides.
The virus has a lipid surface which allows the use of soap and water to be sufficient to eliminate it.
If soap and water are not available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Do not touch the mouth, nose and eyes, especially if we have not washed our hands, since it favors the contagion.
When coughing or sneezing, do it on the inside of the elbow or use disposable tissues that will be thrown in the trash after use.
And most importantly, avoid contact with other people, maintain distances of at least 2 meters from other people and stay home as much as possible. Avoiding risky situations.
If you notice any symptoms, immediately call 112 and here they will indicate the steps to follow. Remember that older people are a high risk group.

Social environment: If you live alone, do not isolate yourself.

Stay in touch with loved ones over the phone. Talk to them daily.
If you need help ask your family or friends, they can make the purchase and leave it at the door, or pick up your medicines, even do household chores (keeping the appropriate security measures).
Stay informed of the news through official channels.

Avoid meetings or stopping to talk to other people. If you must, keep safe distances.

Carry a sack to gather the droppings and a jug with cleanser and water to clean the pee.

Make sure to wash your hands when you return home.


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