Saturday, April 11, 2020



We all need to know the beauty tips to always be ready, and for this it is important to notice that beauty is not just about having a porcelain complexion or spectacular hair, it is about taking care of every part of your body. Here we tell you the beauty routines that you can do from the comfort of your home, and so don't forget any detail. Write them down!


1. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliating is removing dead cells is one of the most powerful home beauty tips. You can do it very simply by applying a mixture of yogurt with a little brown sugar, massage it with a cotton ball and rinse with soap and water. You can repeat this process once a week

2. Natural masks

It will help you prevent dry skin.
  • To hydrate, use a mask of papaya, avocado or cucumber.
  • To help the skin and recover it, you can utilize a strawberry mask..
  • If you have some pimples on your skin, I recommend that you read the post tell me what your acne is like and I will tell you what you have. In it they explain what are the main reasons for their appearance and how you can treat them.

3. Have radiant and youthful skin

Let's leave the myths aside; perfect skin can be achieved, and the way to do it is by using cosmetics that will make your life easier. Remember that not all have the same complexion, and the products are not for all skin types. The important thing is to follow a series of steps every day, which will help you achieve perfect skin.

  • The first thing is to know what type of skin you have. Once you know it, it will be easier to buy products suitable for you. A good choice  is natural cosmetics, since their formulas are reverent with the environment, but above all, with your skin.
  • Skin cleaning. It is one of the most important steps, and an essential beauty tip for teenagers, since dirt, makeup, etc. accumulates in the pores. You should cleanse the skin in the morning when you wake up, and especially at night before going to bed.
  • The use of moisturizers is necessary to keep the skin in good condition, especially if you are one of those who does not go outside without makeup, so that your look does not crack. There is a huge variety of these products that are adjusted according to the needs of each skin; When buying them, don't forget about the 5 active ingredients that cannot be missing in your moisturizer.
  • Using tonics helps to balance the PH of the skin. The best way to apply it is by giving small touches, not dragging it across the skin.
  • The eye contour is always forgotten. The skin of this area is more delicate and therefore it needs a special product that helps you to eliminate expression lines, or the so-called crow's feet.

They say out there that to be beautiful, you have to see stars, but with these little feminine beauty tips you will always be radiant. Set out to attempt them, you will see the difference.


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