• Better Tips and Health

    Better Tips and Health provide you a health related tips and tricks like loos weight, how to caring your body and which kind of food good for your body and how many time you can eat specific food and some exercise tips and tricks and for body builder some specific food and protein tips and tricks etc....

  • Better Tips and Health

    Better Tips and Health provide you a health related tips and tricks like loos weight, how to caring your body and which kind of food good for your body and how many time you can eat specific food and some exercise tips and tricks and for body builder some specific food and protein tips and tricks etc....

  • Better Tips and Health

    Better Tips and Health provide you a health related tips and tricks like loos weight, how to caring your body and which kind of food good for your body and how many time you can eat specific food and some exercise tips and tricks and for body builder some specific food and protein tips and tricks etc....

  • Better Tips and Health

    Better Tips and Health provide you a health related tips and tricks like loos weight, how to caring your body and which kind of food good for your body and how many time you can eat specific food and some exercise tips and tricks and for body builder some specific food and protein tips and tricks etc....

  • Better Tips and Health

    Better Tips and Health provide you a health related tips and tricks like loos weight, how to caring your body and which kind of food good for your body and how many time you can eat specific food and some exercise tips and tricks and for body builder some specific food and protein tips and tricks etc....

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

15 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat

15 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat

There are the most interesting diets and nutritional concepts that are said to work wonders. Lose 10 kilos in just one month - sounds good! But it is not that simple (unfortunately). Because that has little to do with healthy weight loss. And the success will not last long.

Look forward to numerous tips and tricks on how you can achieve your feel-good weight and then keep it long-term.

Fact 1: Losing weight is possible if you feed the body with less energy than you consume. The difference in the energy required must then be obtained from body reserves - ideally from the adipose tissue.

Fact 2: Belly fat is considered the risk factor for various diseases of the cardiovascular system. More exercise in addition to reduced food intake breaks down this dangerous fat deposit.

Fact 3: Muscle mass built up by strength training increases the body's basic metabolism, since it uses more energy at rest than fat. By building muscle mass in the gym, the energy difference is increased while food intake is reduced and weight loss is accelerated.

Fact 4: Food cravings can be prevented. Dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates and proteins at meal times fill you up for a long time. Dietary fiber also keeps blood sugar levels low and reduces the risk of sudden cravings.

Fact 5: Eating slowly helps you eat less. The body takes about ten minutes to eat before it sends out a satiety signal.

Fact 6: Drinking water helps you lose weight. We often confuse thirst with hunger. Drinking water before meals automatically reduces food intake. In addition, only adequately hydrated cells can break down fat well. The calories in juices and lemonades are mostly underestimated!

Fact 7: Insufficient sleep can hinder weight loss and can even promote obesity. The same thing can also happen if you sleep too much. Studies have shown that an optimal sleep duration is between 7 and 8 hours.

Fact 8: Prohibitions only lead to frustration when you reach your comfort weight. When planning to lose weight, however, such bans are often imposed. But this is the biggest diet lie and frustration is inevitable when you fail to comply. It is better to treat yourself to chocolate and other sweets in small portions as a reward and to treat them as something special.

Fact 9: Losing weight quickly does not necessarily damage your health. It is not the speed that matters, but the way in which you lose weight. Only zero diets or one-sided nutrition are dangerous.

Fact 10: Food supplements can also be used if they are taken as a supplement to food and not as a replacement!

Fact 11: It is usually easier for men to eat less and to cope with food cravings. You can better displace and hide the thought of food. Women, on the other hand, often think of their favorite foods and the current waiver when losing weight.

Fact 12: Interval training effectively helps you lose weight. Many studies have shown that this form of training has a very positive effect on fat burning and burns a lot of calories.

Fact 13: The widespread opinion that you shouldn't eat after 6:00 p.m., otherwise you will gain weight, is a myth. The time doesn't change whether the body stores excess calories as fat.

Fact 14: Cardio training can improve the reduction of body fat. Even if training the cardiovascular system burns fewer calories than interval training, the fat metabolism is well trained. As a result, body fat can be reduced more effectively during subsequent interval training.

Fact 15: The success of a diet can only be maintained by changing the diet. Reducing the amount of food can lead to the well-known yo-yo effect after a diet. Because the body tries to rebuild the lost reserves. This can only be counteracted by a healthy diet.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


how often to wash our hair during quarantine:

We wash our hair for various reasons: pollution, daily sweat, accumulation of grease, humidity, static electricity ... Although during confinement it is true that we expose our hair to fewer external agents that mistreat it, there are other factors for which we should bet on a full-blown hair detox.

Hair hygiene varies from head to head depending on the type of hair we have. Dry hair does not need the same care as oily hair as normal hair. In addition, when taking care of our hair we should also take into account if we are athletes or if we wear it dyed.

Today we want to share with you the key questions about hair detox when it is less exposed to external agents that mistreat it.

Should we wash our hair as often now that we are not leaving the house?

This is simply the question that we should all ask ourselves. However, there is no single answer, precisely because each of us has different hair, with different characteristics, as we mentioned at the beginning.

It is essential to be clear that, although the number of external agents that mistreat our hair is reduced now that we are more at home, the internal factors (caused by ourselves) that affect their health remain intact.

What are the internal factors that affect the health of our hair?

  • Stress. Confinement as a consequence of the state of alarm generates logical stress because we do not know what the future holds for us. Not being able to leave home, also, gives us the feeling of living in a prison without being, which can increase anxiety levels.
  • Poor diet. With or without quarantine we must take care of our diet. However, being at home all day and so close to the fridge can be a factor in neglecting our diet.
  • Hair products. It seems incredible, but there are hair products that damage our hair. Especially if they contain silicones and sulfates.

At this point we want to focus for a moment on the chemical components of many hair products: silicones and sulfates.
What are silicones?

Silicones are polymers that create a surface layer on our hair. Silicones offer a smooth appearance to our hair, but not by appearing silky a hair is healthy.

From the Freshly Cosmetics blog they remind us that one of the main problems with silicones is that they "prevent hair from breathing, hindering the natural regeneration of cells." In addition, silicones prevent water or other moisturizing elements from penetrating the hair.

How can I know if I need a hair detox?

Your own hair will respond to you. The main warning signs that your hair leather may need a rest (or what is the same, a hair detox) are:

1) It is dry or dehydrated.
2) It is caked.
3) Lacks natural shine.
4) It breaks easily.
5) You have split ends.
6) You have an itchy scalp.
7) You do not absorb the treatments as it did before.



We all need to know the beauty tips to always be ready, and for this it is important to notice that beauty is not just about having a porcelain complexion or spectacular hair, it is about taking care of every part of your body. Here we tell you the beauty routines that you can do from the comfort of your home, and so don't forget any detail. Write them down!


1. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliating is removing dead cells is one of the most powerful home beauty tips. You can do it very simply by applying a mixture of yogurt with a little brown sugar, massage it with a cotton ball and rinse with soap and water. You can repeat this process once a week

2. Natural masks

It will help you prevent dry skin.
  • To hydrate, use a mask of papaya, avocado or cucumber.
  • To help the skin and recover it, you can utilize a strawberry mask..
  • If you have some pimples on your skin, I recommend that you read the post tell me what your acne is like and I will tell you what you have. In it they explain what are the main reasons for their appearance and how you can treat them.

3. Have radiant and youthful skin

Let's leave the myths aside; perfect skin can be achieved, and the way to do it is by using cosmetics that will make your life easier. Remember that not all have the same complexion, and the products are not for all skin types. The important thing is to follow a series of steps every day, which will help you achieve perfect skin.

  • The first thing is to know what type of skin you have. Once you know it, it will be easier to buy products suitable for you. A good choice  is natural cosmetics, since their formulas are reverent with the environment, but above all, with your skin.
  • Skin cleaning. It is one of the most important steps, and an essential beauty tip for teenagers, since dirt, makeup, etc. accumulates in the pores. You should cleanse the skin in the morning when you wake up, and especially at night before going to bed.
  • The use of moisturizers is necessary to keep the skin in good condition, especially if you are one of those who does not go outside without makeup, so that your look does not crack. There is a huge variety of these products that are adjusted according to the needs of each skin; When buying them, don't forget about the 5 active ingredients that cannot be missing in your moisturizer.
  • Using tonics helps to balance the PH of the skin. The best way to apply it is by giving small touches, not dragging it across the skin.
  • The eye contour is always forgotten. The skin of this area is more delicate and therefore it needs a special product that helps you to eliminate expression lines, or the so-called crow's feet.

They say out there that to be beautiful, you have to see stars, but with these little feminine beauty tips you will always be radiant. Set out to attempt them, you will see the difference.

Friday, April 10, 2020


Healthy food

A healthy food is the one that contains all the daily nutritional requirements that the human body needs in all stages of its life. Food is the basic pillar of good health and the body is free of diseases. In many cases, the food is a source of human infection with various diseases, when it contains different germs and bacteria, Therefore, attention must be paid to the n nutritional value of food.

Healthy eating tips:

There are many guidelines that must be followed when eating, in order for a person to have access to healthy and integrated food, namely:

  1. Take into account the diversity in the foods that a person consumes, and avoid eating one type for long periods, as a healthy food contains many types that include important elements and vitamins for the body, such as eating different kinds of bread, fish and meat, water and other balanced and healthy foods.
  2. Focusing on eating large quantities of vegetables and fruits, because of its great importance, because it contains many elements necessary for the body, in addition to eating different types of grains.
  3. Eating meals in an organized manner, and by dividing them into three main meals, namely breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and in cases where people feel hungry between these meals, he can eat certain types of vegetables and fruits.
  4. Taking into account the balance in the foods that are eaten, so that it works to eat different types and contain more than one nutrient, so that the body can get all the elements with the same proportions.
  5. Eat moderate amounts of foods and adhere to the body's need for them, and avoid excessive intake, because this works on exposing the person to obesity, which in turn leads to his exposure to various diseases.
  6. Avoid depriving a person of himself from eating certain types of foods. Rather, he should reduce his intake of foods that contain high levels of fats, sugars, and harmful salts in the body.
  7. Eat large quantities of water, and work to make it among the healthy diet, because of the great importance of the human body.

The importance of healthy food

Healthy food has many benefits for humans, namely:

  • Provide the body with the energy needed for it, which enables it to fully exercise all its activities.
  • Building and regenerating body cells, by eating foods that contain high levels of proteins.
  • Strengthening human bones and building, by eating foods that contain mainly calcium.
  • Protecting the body from the risk of developing cancerous diseases, by eating foods that contain antioxidants.
  • The growth and construction of the body in a correct and proper way.
  • Enjoying a healthy and ideal weight, and avoiding being exposed to excessive and unhealthy food.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020



If you have chosen to get in shape but do not know well where to start, some fitness tips for beginners will be good for you.

This activity focuses on improving or maintaining fitness through training consisting of repeated movements working the muscles of the entire body. The most concrete goals of fitness could be summarized as: achieving a balance of body structure, improving aerobic resistance, achieving muscle strength and improving our self-esteem through physical exercise.

Like when we start any new activity, we may feel a little lost, but fitness training for beginners will allow you to go little by little understanding what the "fitness world" consists of. There is a wide variety of fitness clothing and fitness shoes for you to feel comfortable training.

Fitness for beginners: some myths

First of all, are we beginners?

The first myth of fitness is to believe that by taking some weights everything is already done. When it
is the first time that we do exercises, when we have not been training for more than a year or when we have done a totally different sport ... we are beginners. Don't forget that every exercise needs practice, coordination and some technique to avoid causing injury.

Also in beginner fitness it is often said that once you stop training for a long time the body becomes more flabby than normal. It is a wrong idea, because muscle tone is gradually lost as a result of not exercising it, but it does not make us more flaccid than before we started physical activity.

Finally, fitness is also worry because many people trust that muscle pain is something obligatory to exercise it well. It is true that the work we are doing on it should be noted, but in no case should we ache pain.

Fitness for beginners: why choose fitness?

Fitness has become famous in recent years because it is an outstanding exercise to get better the aesthetic level. It is true that fitness stylizes our figure and fights flaccidity. However, there are to much reasons to choose fitness as your activity.

Physical exercise helps us fight many diseases, such as diabetes, blood pressure ... fitness of course also allows us to stay healthy and keep overweight at bay.

Fitness actually encompasses a lifestyle. Be healthy inside and out. Therefore choosing fitness is not only choosing an activity, it is deciding that we are going to take care of ourselves.

Practical fitness tips for beginners:

Start training with someone who knows exercises well and can guide you through them. There are many gyms that have fitness classes for beginners. Knowing how the basic exercises are performed will prevent possible injuries.

Do not overdo it with time. An hour may be more than enough. Remember that you are starting a new activity and your body must get used to it.

Set yourself achievable goals. Through fitness, direct weight reduction isn't accomplished, so if you will probably get thinner, you should sprinkle it with cardiovascular activities, for example, running, cycling

In the case of beginner fitness, it is better not to spend such a large number of days between the working region of ​​the body. In fact, to begin with you can work the entire body every day of training. A circuit for example is a good option.

Coronavirus in the elderly

Coronavirus in the elderly

This new infection particularly influences the older or individuals with past ceaseless illnesses

Covid-19 is a new virus that appeared at the end of 2019, in December, in the town of Wuhan (China). Since then, its progress has been rapid, affecting more than 100 countries today. The WHO has declared this disease as a pandemic.
This new virus still lacks things to know, such as effective treatment, but what is certain is that it especially affects older people or those with previous chronic diseases.

Coronavirus symptoms
Some people develop the disease with hardly any symptoms or with very mild symptoms. Furthermore, about 80% pass the disease without special treatment. However, in older people the problems are complicated.

The most common symptoms are:

High fever (38ยบ or more).
Dry cough.
Difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
Some people also have diarrhea or abdominal pain. Only in the most severe cases the infection can cause pneumonia, kidney failure or even death. The most serious cases usually occur mainly in risk groups such as the elderly. Currently, between 80 and 90% of deaths that occur are from people over 70 years old. Therefore, this group must exercise extreme caution.

How should the elderly protect themselves?

The main route of transmission of Covid-19 is through the droplets that the infected person expels when sneezing or coughing. These droplets can reach distances of up to almost a meter and deposit on any surface or person that by touching the infected object or area is contagious.

For this reason, the main recommendations that older people should take into account are:

Wash your hands with soap and water frequently. Make sure that the entire surface has been disinfected: fingers, palm, nails, back and sides.
The virus has a lipid surface which allows the use of soap and water to be sufficient to eliminate it.
If soap and water are not available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Do not touch the mouth, nose and eyes, especially if we have not washed our hands, since it favors the contagion.
When coughing or sneezing, do it on the inside of the elbow or use disposable tissues that will be thrown in the trash after use.
And most importantly, avoid contact with other people, maintain distances of at least 2 meters from other people and stay home as much as possible. Avoiding risky situations.
If you notice any symptoms, immediately call 112 and here they will indicate the steps to follow. Remember that older people are a high risk group.

Social environment: If you live alone, do not isolate yourself.

Stay in touch with loved ones over the phone. Talk to them daily.
If you need help ask your family or friends, they can make the purchase and leave it at the door, or pick up your medicines, even do household chores (keeping the appropriate security measures).
Stay informed of the news through official channels.

Avoid meetings or stopping to talk to other people. If you must, keep safe distances.

Carry a sack to gather the droppings and a jug with cleanser and water to clean the pee.

Make sure to wash your hands when you return home.
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15 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat

15 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat There are the most interesting diets and nutritional concepts that are said to work wonders. Lose 10 kilos i...

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